Universal connecting system GOFRI FIX
The economical effectiveness and the easy installation of sewage pipelines with bigger diameters have already found their solution, namely – the very reliable and simple GOFRI FIX system that connects pipes of different systems to a main sewage pipeline GOFRIKAN.
GOFRI FIX is an universal system that connects corrugated PЕ and РР pipes, as well as smooth pipes of РЕ, РР, PVC to all diameters of the pipe systems GOFRI KAN and MAXI KAN, from DN 400 up to DN 1200 mm. It consists of:
- a flexible couling seal and
- an adaptor to a smooth or corrugated pipe.
The coupling seal is made by elastic and resistant material, which turns it into safe and advantageous alternative in compare with other similar products on the market. Eliminates the necessity of storing wide range of factory-made joint fittings.
Thanks to its specific profile, a superb strength and hydraulic leak-tightness of the joint is guaranteed, when the installation instructions are precisely followed.
GOFRI FIX is an excellent solution due to the very quick and easy assembly, even by an already installed sewage pipeline.
Current information about this product and the steps for assembly you can find here.
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